we believe, in the power of prayer.

Dalton Garden Church Prayer Requests

What follows are the specific requests made by members of the Dalton Gardens church family by cards, phone and email and other requests from around the world by email. Thank you for the privilege of praying for one another. Please pray for these requests and give God the glory.

Below you will find the latest prayer requests from our congregation. Church prayer requests will date back for two weeks and will be updated every Monday with new prayer requests, from the previous weeks submission.

“Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 4:6-7)

“And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and al-ways keep on praying for all the believers.” (Ephesians 6:18)

Prayer request submissions and to be added to the prayer list can be emailed to:

Prayer Requests from September 1, 2024

Call to me and I will answer you, and will tell you great and hidden things that you have not known.

Jeremiah 33:3

Marci N: Praise God for our church family here. Please pray for Ian as he travels around the country for the next month. Pray for my parents’ transition to their new home. Continue to pray for Joshua’s health.
Kent & Georgette R: Please pray for the paralympic athletes and their families. Pray for our country’s leaders to do what is right for America.
Freda C: Prayers are appreciated for Kathy B’s mother, Pat M. She has congestive heart failure. She wants to live until her 95th birthday in November.
Scott & Karmen R: Prayers for all teachers and students heading back to school this week. Prayers for the parents to be strong in the faith in keeping them encouraged and in God’s word.
John L: Pray for our work situations. Pray for the needs of the community. Pray for our country and its spiritual direction.
Shane B: To God our Father, praise for His great love.
Hilda S: Please pray for our kids as they return to school on Tuesday, and pray for us teachers.
Glenn & Judie S: Please continue to pray for Ernie U in Gresham, OR, who fell from a ladder. He is still in the hospital and just starting to open his eyes. Thank you for AJ getting stronger and better.
AJ S: Please pray for Sandy (Queenie) P, Irene C, Margie (Buddy) W, a Neighbor, Kim, Nichole R’s upcoming surgery and a friend, Bill C. Pray for our church leaders, our troops, and those with cancer/radiation. With all the kids going back to school please slowdown in the school zones! Pray for all.
Michael & Carmen L: Please pray for our niece’s preemie, River, who is 5 lbs. 8 oz but can’t go home yet because her brain needs help telling her to breathe. Pray for continued health. Thank you to Brenda H and Michelle T for planning and executing KidVentures this summer.
Tim & Angie S: Please pray for Tim as he recovers from epiglottitis. Please pray for Emma as she deals with anemia and possible POTS (Postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome).
Brad & Kathy R: Please pray for improved health and recovery for our friend Pete Smart, who is 82 and a long-time Christian in Brookings, OR.


David & Angela G: Thanks to my church family for comfort and thoughts helping me to find joy again after my dad’s passing. Please keep my mom in your prayers as she transitions to the US.
Jack & Carole G: Please pray for our nation!
Craig & Debbie H: Prayers for Bobby & Robin W’s health. Prayers for all our children and grandchildren as they start school.
David & Linda B: Pray for all the students and teachers as they start the school year.
Dan & Teri D: Praise God for His blessings! Continue to pray for Teri and Rose after the loss of their brother, Larry. It’s good to see Sandy P here today. Pray for our children as they start school today. We appreciate Paul S’s class on Sunday!
Larry & Jean G: Thanks for a praying church; you are a blessing.
J.T. C: Please pray for my friend Maria, who is facing eviction.
Larry & Sylvia S: Praise God Margie W is here today. And AJ is looking so healthy— Praise God.
Paul & Katrina S: Please pray for Katrina as she has minor surgery on Thursday. Pray for her quick recovery and a healthy outcome. Thank you!
Jim & Alyson K: Pray for my grandpa, Dennis B and his partner, Nancy, as they sell their houses and move into an assisted care apartment closer to family in CA.
John & Diana B: Our friends in California, Abby L, with high anxiety/stress and, Nina L, with an OCD diagnosis.

Prayer Requests from August 25, 2024

See, God has come to save me.  I will trust in him and not be afraid. The Lord God is my strength and my song; he has given me victory.” Isaiah 12:2


 Jo A: Please pray for Glenda, my sister. She is always in pain.
Steve & Hilda S: Please pray for my friend, Laura, and her metastatic breast cancer and her treatments. Pray, too, for my sister Mary and her upcoming health tests. Pray for peace and positive results.
John & Diana B: Prayer of thanksgiving, our daughter and family have arrived safely and will live here permanently.
Scott & Karmen R: Thank you to all who helped set up and prepare the potluck today. Please pray for the Bucher family, Margie W, AJ S, Bob & Irene C, and so many who can no longer be with us in person.
Dave G: Please pray for Nancy G.
David & Linda B: Pray for all who are struggling with health issues. Continue to pray for Suzy & Shane.
Georgette R: Please pray for Ben N, who is having surgery on his back on Monday.
Tim S: Please pray we figure out Emma’s iron deficiency/ anemia issues. She is very fatigued, and it’s difficult for her to get around.
J.T. C: Please pray for all the first responders, they are vital to our community.
Larry & Jean G: Thanks for all the prayers for family.
John & Laura L: Pray for the Cantrell family, who lost their son, Ethan. Pray for Kathy H, who lost her sister. Pray for our nation in the elections. Pray for our jobs.
Val & Tiffany V: We are trying to get our children back and going through court, please pray God softens their hearts. We are also looking desperately for a home or place to rent. Thank you, everyone, for praying.
Jim & Diane R: Please pray for family.
Jen R: Please pray for my friend Bridgette who is having trouble with a person from her past.
Terry & Cindy S: Teri D needs prayers for comfort on the loss of her brother.
Dan & Teri Dupey: Pray for Dave J’s brothers, Teri and Rose, at the sudden loss of their brother, Larry. Pray for Sandy P. Remember to love each other and put God first above all things.
Betty R: Please pray for Kent and his health. Also, pray for my granddaughter Hannah’s spiritual and physical health. Pray for all my family and my grandson Johnathan, who is flying here this week.
Dave & Terri J: Please continue praying for Rick J, Dave’s brother. Hospice is now in the picture. Please pray for the family. Please pray for safe trips for Terri’s brother Brian, his fiancé Jennifer, and Mike A as they return to their homes. Praise God for wonderful visits.
Howard & Delvona R: Please pray for Delvona to have relief from head migraines.
Glenn & Judie S: Please pray for our dear friend, Ernie U, in Portland, who fell from a ladder and was hurt terribly. They don’t know if he will live. Thank you for praying for Ernie.
Dale & Diane H: My brother in Florida has begun prep work for heart valve surgery; hopefully in the next two weeks. Thank you for your prayers.
Tiffany Va: Please pray for quick healing for my sister, Stephenie. She had surgery last week. Also, pray for my mom, Candie H’s facility; a lot of residents are sick.
AJ S: Please pray for Dave’s brother, Rick, and Emma S. Pray for strength and encouragement for Georgia and her family—prayers for Nichole and her upcoming back surgery. Pray for Sandy P (my queenie), my buddy Margie W, Misty’s grandparents, Mrs. Hauck, and Kent R. Pray for all those who are in pain and having upcoming surgeries. Thank you all for the love and support last Sunday. Love y’all!
Scott & Marsha R: Please pray for our son Ethan to find peace in his current situation and to return to church.

Prayer Requests from August 18, 2024

 “For the word of God is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing to the division of soul and of spirit, of joints and of marrow, and discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart.” Hebrews 4:12

Trisha S: Please pray for Georgia during her struggles. Pray for Kaiden, Shelia, and Rick.
Dave & Teri J: It is wonderful to have Mike A here! Praise God for AJ’s successful surgery. We were blessed this past week with a grant from the lovely ladies of the 5 C’s. We will be able to purchase tables and chairs for work! Please pray for Dave’s brother Rick. His pain is tremendous.
Emma S: I’m having a very difficult time with some friendship issues. Please pray that I’ll find courage and healing.
Dave & Nancy G: Prayers for Georgia. Prayers for the family of Dean H, Dave’s sister who passed away this week.
Steve & Hilda S: Please pray for Suzy for strength in her struggles.
Jack & Carole G: Lift Georgia’s spirit to let her know how much she is loved.
Keith & Carole F: Please pray for Georgia B.
Larry & Jean G: Prayers of appreciation for all the special loving activities this congregation is involved in, what a blessing.
Craig & Debbie H: Please pray for my daughter she has some issues she is struggling with.
Shane B: Please pray that God would search our hearts and reveal to me the things I need to see and how he wants me to bless Him.
Brad R: Thank you for your prayers while I was going through my bout with Covid.
Dale & Diane H: Pray for the continued growth of this church. Also, for all children returning to school shortly. Remember Georgia and send a card to help with her encouragement.
Wanda W: Prayers for my nephew Steve for his upcoming hip surgery.
Karen B: Please pray for Gwen H as she is home sick with a cough.
Betty R: Prayers for Suzie & Shane, for Georgia, AJ, and Kent and their health.
Larry & Sylvia S: We were honored to witness the spiritual maturity of our young adults. Let’s pray for them as they grow even more.
John & Diana B: Thank you for your prayers for our daughter and family. They arrived today to live in Post Falls.
Chris & Nicole R: Please send prayers up for Nichole. She is scheduled for surgery on September 23.
Bob & Carolyn F: Please continue to pray for Carolyn that the lesion is benign.
Candie H: Pray for the Valley Vista residents and staff. Covid is back.
Scott R: Thanks to God for AJ’s successful surgery! Good to have Christian back with us.
Darin T: Prayers of healing and restoration to our veterans suffering from extreme PTSD, preventing them from transitioning back into “normal” life. Losing family, jobs, and struggling with addictions.
Betty Jo C: Praise God my friend came to church with me.
John & Laura L: Pray for the Dalton Gardens congregation and its efforts to reach out to others. Pray for the needs of our congregation and our community. Pray for encouragement for John.
AJ S: Thank you for all the prayers. My surgery went well. Praise the Lord. Bless those with cancer and radiation treatments. Pray for Sandy P, and my buddy, Margie W. Pray for Georgia. Misty’s 94-year-old grandpa needs prayers for peace and healing.
Maria E: Pray for me to have relief from pain in my right knee.
Terry & Cindy S: Pray for the citizens of our country to make wise decisions on selecting leaders who will encourage the freedom of practicing God’s will in our lives.

Prayer Requests from August 11, 2024

And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.     Colossians 3:17

Judie & Glenn S: Please remember AJ in prayer as he goes to the hospital for surgery for a shunt to drain the fluid from his brain. It is a risky surgery. We are so blessed to have Andy & Darcy with us today from Centralia. Prayers for Georgia for healing of the heart, mind, & body.
Michael & Carmen L: Pray for all children and their parents who are raising them in this troubled world.
Robin & Robert W: We are so thankful for all the love and prayers from our church family. It is so good to be here today and see everyone. Prayers for AJ’s surgery Monday.
John & Laura L: Pray for our nation, it’s moral decisions and choices at the ballot box. Pray for those with physical and mental health needs. Pray for our jobs and our ability to glorify God. Pray for our congregation’s efforts to reach others.
Dale & Diane H: Pray for Jeff C for test results this Wednesday, so treatment can begin.
Larry & Jean G: Thanks for all the prayers for our family. Larry’s doctor says his tests are okay!
Freda C: Praise God! I have a new great granddaughter Leah Celeste G. Born 8-6-24. All are doing well. And pray for Conner & Rosie R as they begin their life together.
Owen W: Please pray that I can spend more time with my brother.
Scott R: Please pray for our country and elections. Let’s pray that those elected are people of Godly ideals.
John & Diana B: Please pray for our country and the coming elections for the future of our kids and grandkids.
Betty R: Good to see Andy & Darcy. God is so good.
Claudia M: So thankful for all God does.
Jack & Carole G: Pray for Debbie for safe travels and Carolyn for health. Protect Georgia and our troubled youth.
Sloan V: Pray for my friend, Josh, his dog passed away on Tuesday and he is having a tough time.
Nancy C: Pray that my son and daughter-in-law will get back in church.
Michelle G: I need prayers for my friend Nash to be found and safe. He has been missing for two weeks. Pray for my mom & dad’s health, and for my mental health to improve.
Jim & Alyson K: Pray that Lily is safe this week while she is away at camp.
Dwayne & Bessey C: Pray for Conner & Rosie’s marriage that it will be strong in the Lord.
Les & Nancy B: Pray for the family of Rick M. Rick lost his battle with cancer and passed away this week. He leaves his 90-year-old mother, a son, and daughter.
Craig & Debbie H: My family will be here for the next couple weeks. Please pray for safe travels and an enjoyable time.
Jo A: Please pray for Suzy & Shane.
AJ S: Prayers for Sandy P for pain control, Margie (my buddy). Pray for all those living with pain. Thank God and praise Him for his grace for me and all your prayers. God Bless this family.
Dan & Teri D: It was great to see Jesse C. (A serviceman in the great US Navy!) Pray for Georgia, and Dave J’s brother, Rick. Pray for Anita P and her upcoming tests. Pray to put God first.
Dave & Nancy G: Pray for AJ’s surgery and Georgia’s struggles. Pray for our friends in California that have COVID.
Ryan & Dana M: Ryan’s uncle Paul in Colorado has completed radiation treatments for cancer. Prayers for his healing and comfort are appreciated.
Kent & Georgette R: Praise God for hearing our prayers! Our granddaughter Ashlee has been accepted to Parker Tech.
Andy & Darcy P: We are so blessed to be here with our DG family. You are forever in our hearts.
Amber & Daniel L: Our friend from Zambia has lost her battle with cancer. Please pray for Brenda’s family, her husband Sandwell, and their 3 boys.
Keith & Carole F: Please pray for the family of Gloria B, our neighbor who passed away this week.
Carolyn F: Please pray that the lesion on my palate (roof of mouth) is benign and that it will be quickly removed and healed.
Kay W: Our nation be one under God.
Johnny & Carla P: Pray for the homeless and people stuck in addiction.