we believe, in the power of prayer.

Dalton Garden Church Prayer Requests

What follows are the specific requests made by members of the Dalton Gardens church family by cards, phone and email and other requests from around the world by email. Thank you for the privilege of praying for one another. Please pray for these requests and give God the glory.

Below you will find the latest prayer requests from our congregation. Church prayer requests will date back for two weeks and will be updated every Monday with new prayer requests, from the previous weeks submission.

“Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 4:6-7)

“And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and al-ways keep on praying for all the believers.” (Ephesians 6:18)

Prayer request submissions and to be added to the prayer list can be emailed to:

Prayer Requests from February 16, 2025

“Be strong and take heart, all you who hope in the Lord.” – Psalm 31:24

AJ S: Please pray for Betty Jo, Sandy P, Margie W, Sharon L, Emma S, Larry G, Kessler, Anna and baby, and Paul’s blood work. All those lost to addiction, widows and widowers, and all those traveling.
Jack & Carole G: Please pray for good health and the needs of our congregation. Bless our country and protect Israel.
Sloan V: Pray that everyone traveling in the snow stays safe.
Jimmy & Robyn Z: Thank you for the warm welcome our family has received as we have begun our journey with this body of Christ followers!
Barbara A: Prayers for Betty Jo C as she slipped on the ice and injured her back.
Mark & Kim B: Please pray for those who are traveling and those who are sick. Please keep a friend, Bonnie, in your prayers, she is dealing with brain cancer.
Terry & Cindy S: Betty Jo C and Sharon L have a lot of back pain. Pray for healing for them.
Dale & Diane H: Please keep Larry & Jean G in your prayers for their health concerns. Many others are struggling as well. Please pray for all.
Val & Tiffany V: I ask that we pray for my brother Junior and his wife Ashlyn; they are having complications in their marriage. I also ask that we pray for my daughter’s dad, Kenneth. He is on drugs and homeless in Spokane, and we ask for him to surrender to God.
Keith & Carole F: Please pray for Nancy & Les B and Nancy & Dave G to improve, we miss them.
Kathy R: Please pray for my daughter, Shannon. She is going through tough times.
Arci & Jon W: Prayers for safe travels. We are going to California this coming week.
J.T. C: Thank you for all your prayers and thoughts! Thank you to the One-More-Time ministry for the wonderful Valentine’s treat bag. God bless this wonderful church.
Pete & Mary P: Betty Jo C fell and is in a lot of pain. She needs our prayers.
Carmen L: Pray for my sister and her husband, Sheba & Larry, as they consider moving to Kentucky to be close to their daughter.
Scott & Lynelle D: Praise! Scott’s mom has been placed in a long-term nursing facility that we are so pleased about! God is good!
David & Linda B: Please remember to pray for our members who are not able to join us in person.

Prayer Requests from February 11, 2025

Humble yourselves, therefore, under God’s mighty hand, that he may lift you up in due time. Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you. 1Peter 5:6

Dave & Terri J: Thank you for your prayers! Terri’s stepmother Rebecca came through surgery even better than the doctor had hoped. Please keep praying for Rick J and Larry S.
Pete & Mary P: Sharon L has really bad back pain. She will get an MRI. Pray they do surgery soon.
Carole & Keith F: Please pray for Larry G that his breathing doesn’t get worse.
Paul & Katrina S: Paul’s recent bloodwork came back with a slightly elevated kidney level related to a cyst on his kidney. Please pray for wisdom as he and his doctor consider treatments.
Terry & Cindy S: Please pray for Sharon Lowrance to have relief from back pain. She has an appointment on Monday.
Nika & Sloan V: We would like to pray for our mom, Tiffinay, to have a safe trip.
Darin T: J.T. C is struggling with being the only caretaker for his mother. His mother had fallen last week while he was here at church. He has a lot of tough decisions to make this year. Prayers of encouragement for him.
Shanda D: Pray the Lord would raise up saints to help those lost in addiction before more lives are lost. That their chains of bondage would be broken.
Tabby C: Pray for Tabby’s stepmom, Lucy P. She has been diagnosed with Parkinson’s. Understandably, she is struggling with this.
Peggy E: Please pray for my husband, who is suffering from dementia.
Dale & Diane H: Tiffinay V is traveling pray for her safe travels and return. Also, keep all those who are struggling with health issues in your prayers.
Val & Tiffany V: Please keep Val’s mother in your prayers. She is still very weak and in pain. Also, please pray that Val gets the caregiving job so he can take care of his mother.
Dan & Teri D: Pray for Emma and upcoming tests to be favorable. Pray for Sharon and Wanda with back pain. Pray for our country. Always encourage and pray for each other. Pray for safe travels for us, we will be visiting our son James in Tempe, Arizona.
David & Linda B: Pray for the spiritual growth of our congregation.
AJ S: Update on little Bolden, he has tumors around his heart but has improved. Thank you for your prayers. Pray for Betty’s granddaughter Hannah, Shane, Sharon L and her back. Pray Jim & Diane Rude’s granddaughter Bella, and for the Drapeau family in their loss.
Scott & Karmen R: Praying for the Webbers, Sharon L, Emma and those suffering with flu and colds. Keep bundled and warm this week. Thankful for the progress Les B has made and pray his healing continues.
Aaron L: Pray for my friend’s sobriety and recovery. Pray for Kessler and Anna this pregnancy has been stressful and scary. Pray for Rylee and Halexia to grow with God.
John & Laura L: Pray for a high school friend who lost his 26-year-old niece in a head-on collision in Ohio. Praise God that so many people have reached out to this hurt family.
Betty Jo C: Thank God for all the many blessings, we have an amazing God!
Jimmy & Robyn Z: Pray for our nephew, Kailand, age 6, who was diagnosed with EOE – Eosinophilic Esophagitis. It’s hard for him to eat anything.
Candie H: Please pray that Derus & Pauletta F’s health problems improve.
Tim & Angie S: I got the dates mixed up for Emma’s stress test, etc. It is actually this Wednesday AM. Please continue to pray for her POTS diagnosis and treatment.
Amber C: Pray that our move next week goes well.
Margie W: Healing prayers for Judie & Glenn S, Robin & Robert W, and Delvona R.
Kathy R: Please pray for my daughter, Shannon. She is going through a tough time.
Marci N: Please pray for my sister, Renée, whose husband passed away on Monday. Pray for me to have safe travels to be with her next week. Also, continue to pray for Ian’s safe travels. He will be home next week.
Freda C: Prayers for me and my traveling partners as we head to Roatan this week.

Prayer Requests from February 2, 2025

Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything. James 1:4


Kurtis R: Pray for those who are sick.
Dave & Terri J: We had a blessing yesterday when we talked to Dave’s brother; he knew us! Praise God. Please pray for my stepmother, Rebecca, who will be having a tough back surgery on Tuesday. Please pray for the Coppom family. The father, Dave, had the flu, and it made his dementia go into overdrive. His wife is looking for some help with her disabled daughter so she can get things done with this unexpected struggle.
Jim & Diane R: Please pray for our granddaughter, Bella, who is having struggles in life.
Debbie Y: Please continue to pray for Sharon L. Her back is still hurting her. She went to the emergency room on Saturday.
Arrty & Jen R: Please pray for students and teachers. It’s a challenging time for education in our country.
Val & Tiffany V: Please pray for my mom. She is very weak. Her cancer is gone, but recovery is difficult. Pray for my father-in-law. He has asthma and is struggling; some days are very difficult.
Claudia M: Please pray for Teresa, 88, and her daughter, Kim. Teresa has dementia and also fell.
Shanda D: Pray for my husband’s family as they grieve the loss of a family member.
AJ S: Please pray for brother Bruce with a stroke, Pray for the Taylor family in the loss of Steve. Pray for Leanne S with breast cancer, and she just lost her father. Pray for Debbie M with an autoimmune disease. Pray Les B and Wanda W.
Dwayne & Bessey C: Pray for our son Jesse C and his safety in Japan while he serves in the Navy.
Tim & Angie S: Please keep Emma in your prayers. She has an echocardiogram and a stress test on Thursday in order to make a final determination for her POTS diagnosis.
Ryan & Dana M: Pray for healing for Les B’s leg.
Steve & Hilda S: Please pray that Shane will do well on his LSAT test on Saturday so that he will be accepted into the law school of his choice.
Craig & Debbie H: Please pray for Sharon L. She injured her back and is in a great deal of pain. She sees a spine specialist on Feb. 5th. Pray they can help her. We will be leaving on Tuesday with our son and family for Cabo San Lucas. Pray for safe travels.
Rod B: May God express his love and grace through us.
Georgette R: Please continue to pray for David C as he is trying to get well enough to use a walker from his cancer treatments.
Margie W: Praise the Lord for Blessings Beyond Belief!
Nancy B: Pray for comfort for the families affected by the disasters.
Larry & Jean G: Thank you for continuing prayers for our health and strength.
Marci N: Ian is traveling around the country. He will be home on the 16th. Please pray for safe travels.
John Lakvold: Prayers for Laura and her work dealing with her boss. Pray for those dealing with grief, loss, mental health, and physical concerns. Pray for those who are living in the aftermath of the disasters.
Freda C: Pray for Jesse. He will be leaving this week for a 3-year deployment in Japan.
Jimmy & Robyn Z: My wife’s friend, Jessica, has a 3-month-old son who was admitted into the hospital Friday with breathing complications.

Prayer Requests from January 26, 2025

But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Matthew 6:33

Kurtis R: Pray for my friend, Ethan, who is looking for a job.
Shanda D: Please pray that my sister would choose to stand firm in her faith and make it a priority to raise my niece to know Jesus as King.
Scott & Karmen R: Prayers for Chris & Nichole as they go to see her brother, Steve. Also, thoughts and prayers for each member of our church family who is unable to join us for worship; may they still know we love them.
Val & Tiffany V: Val’s mother, Galina, is struggling with a skin disease that is causing her to swell up to where she can barely use her hands. She is in pain. Please pray for her healing.
Dave & Nancy G: Prayers for the firefighters and all those impacted by the fires.
AJ S: Pray for John S, Dave J’s brother Rick, Sandy P, Sharon L, Les & Nancy B, Bobby W, Margie W, Emma & Angie S, Glenda B, Judy L, and a friend, Paul with Alzheimer’s. Praise the Lord that Nika’s surgery went well.
Claudia M: Please pray for John B’s family. He is my cousin, and he passed away suddenly this week.
Kathy R: Thank you to everyone for the prayers and thoughts as well as to everyone who helped with Chelsey’s service and those who attended.
Paul & Katrina S: Please pray for the children, teens, and young adults in our church family to feel how loved they are by all of us and by the Father!
David & Linda B: Please pray for our sister-in-law, Kathy B. She was diagnosed with lung cancer (non-smoker!). Also, our niece, Karis F had a grand mal seizure. Pray for all of them and their families.
Debbie Y: Please continue to pray for Mike & Jeanie S. Mike is in a nursing home in Kellogg. He hopes to go home soon.
Marty & Betty Jo C: Please continue to pray for my nephew, Thor.
Rod B: Thank God for caring doctors, nurses, and aids.
Jonathan W: Please pray for Lindsey W; she has a bad cold.
John & Laura L: May we all be one. May our worship be gratifying to him. May your light shine to the world. May we be gentle with the truth in love. May God be with us in our hurts, habits and hang ups.
Nancy B: Prayers for Shirley S and Mike & Yvie.
Steven A: Prayers for unity and kindness throughout our country.
Terry & Cindy S: Pray for healing for Les B’s leg. Also, Teri D is not feeling well at all. Pray for her recovery.
Sloan V: I would like to pray for my little sister Nika. She just had surgery on her ear, and I want to continue to pray for my cat, Gus.
Dan D: Pray for all the sick. Our daughters have both been ill with the flu. Teri is ill today as well. Pray for our nation. Pray for Nichole’s brother Steve. Dave J’s brother, Rick. Let’s pray for our elders and deacons.
Seth & Kim P: Please send prayers for our business to be successful, as we have been working tirelessly to keep things rolling. We know we are not at church often due to our circumstances, but we do so love our church.
Dale & Diane H: Pray for all the people in California struggling with fires.
Larry & Jean G: Prayers for Larry and his continuing treatments for lung disease.
Chris & Nichole R: Please continue to keep Nichole’s brother, Steve T, in your prayers. He has chosen not to pursue treatment. Chris & Nichole will travel to Florida at the end of the week to see them. Please pray for safe travels.
Glenn & Judie S: Please pray for our health.